Qrow vs Winter: You gotta love a good rivalry
Enjoying a great fight in between participating in my own is definitely a win. The fight in particular that is so awesome is Winter vs Qrow from the series RWBY , pronounced Ruby. If your unfamiliar with the series first I suggest checking out the Deathbattle match by Screwattack which was covered in my personal blog “By The313gentleman”.
Back to the fight, without trying to give up any spoilers Winter and Crow apparently have an outstanding rivalry and their contrast suits it beautifully. They are first introduced in “RWBY: Volume 3, Chapter 3: Its Brawl in the Family” Qrow is your drunken swordsmen carrying an awesome Buster Blade Shotgun combination. Qrow’s overall demeanor is relaxed and intoxicated and really pulls out the “Cool Rebel Warrior” thing.

For someone that is obviously way past his limit in alcohol his skill and percision with his strikes are epic.

Winter Schnee is the specialist from Atlas escorting troops to the Vytal Festival. She carries herself with poise and dignity, reminiscent of high ranking royalty. She is really critical of her sister, Weiss, and holds her to high standards. She meticulous with her stance and wielding her fencing sword that splits in two. All of that poise and self control is out of the window once Qrow engages her on the cross walk. As he calls her out by the name “Ice Queen” he pelts her with enough witty banter to kick off one of the most intriguing battles of the series. Check out the video and let us know what you think.