Checking out Ymir and Guan YU #SMITE

Starting the day with some arena action in SMITE is the best way to get the day going. Learning the mechanics was a curve and paying attention to my cool down for my special abilities became a must when your mashing the A button and getting no response.

The tutorial does a great job of introducing the mechanics of the game and seems customized to the god you decide to start with. Ymir was my today’s starting champion. This ice giant was a straight tank taking heavy damage and mowing down minions. The usefulness of his ranged and area attacks were about the same.
Immediately switching the pace to Guan Yu contrary to what the intro says I didn’t find him a great warrior at all. He did have the support role down. His melee attacks didn’t seem to do any significant damage but his healing and take off where pretty good.
As the rotation continues we’re going to share our first look at all the gods in SMITE and share some pretty dope replay action. Enjoy and stay tuned!