Let this soundtrack carry you away
Welcome to another list of Awesome Music sponsored by your friends at Team Max@Play. If you’re unfamiliar with how this list is created its a simple selection of the top 5 songs we are enjoying at the moment. Billboard chart toppers may find their way on this list and right behind it might be a classic anime theme song. The soundtrack to an awesome week won’t necessarily stick to a particular genre and may even take you on a rollercoaster of weird sensations, but when it’s done you’re gonna love it and do it again. If you need a sample of some of team Max@Play older list Check out this list of awesomesauce. In the meantime enjoy this list and let us know what you think in the comment section.
Through the fire and the flames
Kicking off the list is hands down the most intense song ever played in the Guitar Hero series. This rapid fire, thumb numbing onslaught of musical awesomeness couldn’t have been accomplished by any other band. Dragonforce is known for there epic, Lead you into Battle melodies. Like the song says, “Through the fire and the flames we carry on. ”
That’s what I like
Mr. 24 karat magic himself Bruno Mars comes with an amazing banger that will definitely make you want to move.
This song about one of team Max@Play’s most vivid daydreams will always find a place in the playlist rotation. Nickelbacks video to the song “Rockstar” features a little bit of everyone from a little bit of everywhere. From travelers and everyday fans to some of the most famous performers in the world are in this video prepared to change their name and shave their head.
Alien Ant farm
Smooth Criminal
Annie are you ok? Are you ok Annie? This rendition of the amazing Smooth Criminal by the incomparable Michael Jackson could not have been done better by anyone else than Alien Ant Farm.
Method Man
Judgement Day
Mr. Meth rules the wasteland in his telling of the hip hop apocalypse. This track could have easily started this list but at the end who would be better than Wu-Tang’s own Method Man.