Return of the Deathclaws – Fallout Shelter

Vault 215
The population inside the vault is growing as our radio broadcast reaches those searching the wastelands as well as the love being found inside the vault. With so many new bodies being trained Vault 215 is able to send out large numbers of dwellers to search the wasteland in hopes of finding keys to happiness. Inside we try to handle things as quickly as possible to meet the demand of the dwellers. Rushing production usually pays off but in some instances has resulted in massive tragedies. During an attempt to rush food production, the cafeteria workers failed and this failure resulted in a massive faire consuming 3 other areas. As our vault expands we handle the increase in seemingly random attacks from Raiders.

Normally in groups of 3 or 4, these raiders are easily dispatched before they can do too much damage. With every time the vault door opens we invite another attack from Deathclaws. They are very fast, strong and dangerous creature and their numbers can be over whelming. The first attack actually was well defended with patrolmen protecting the vault entrance. We thought that we’d be safe for a little while after that, we were wrong.

The Attack
No sooner than we sent some of our best defenders into the wasteland, Vault 215 was attacked by a large group of Deathclaws. Their combined strength and speed made short work of the vault door and with no patrols we scrambled to find capable dwellers to handle this attack. They tore through the first floor swiftly making it to the elevator shafts where they ripped a hole in the ground and ran through the school, radio station, the residence hall ending in the cafeteria. We were able to thin out there numbers there because it was already fully staffed but it wasn’t enough to stop their progression into lower levels. What seemed like hours ended in a flash with Vault 215 dwellers victorious, but at what cost? Watch the entire video to recap what happened when the Deathclaws returned to vault 215. Need more help surviving the apocalypse checkout this game here.