First round of Cosplay photos from Youmacon
Welcome to the first official Cosplay post highlighting some of our favorite outfits from Youmacon 2017. This selection is only a fraction of the amount of photos captured this year but rather than make you wait for all the edits to get done we wanted to give you something to wet your whistle. These photos were selected by a quick over view and not a best of the best. Team Max@Play did take note to include some of our favorite cosplayers or characters with significance to the team. No Max@Play gallery is complete without a photo of the number one Spartan, Master Chief. You can also see photos of Final Fantasy VII’s Barrette here. With thousands of photos captured and shared we’re definitely going to need the help of you all to pick the best and/or most awesome presentation at Youmacon. Enjoy this gallery and feel free to help us tag and share these pictures with the Youmacon world. What was favorite Cosplay moment of Youmacon 2017? Leave your answer in the comment section below.