Thank you New York Comic Con 2018!!!

Thursday October 4 through Sunday October 7, the Jacob K Javtis Convention Center in New York City, NY. hosted the 2018 New York Comic Con. This event was so full of amazing fandom that it exploded to fill several off site locations near the convention center including Madison Square Garden. Badges were issued on a per day basis, which meant you needed to purchase a separate badge for each day you wanted to attend. Everyday offered something unique for attendees from panels, musical guest, autograph and photo ops as well as a variety of different cosplayers showing off their artistic abilities. Team Max@Play was fortunate enough to spend Saturday in the thick of at all. It was definitely cheaper to leave the car parked and walk to NYCC and it gave us an opportunity to find the VRV HQ just minutes from the Con doors. This weekend we covered:

The VRV Panel– an amazing streaming service that caters to anime fans of all levels and backgrounds
Devil May Cry 5 panel – revealed an extensive weapons and moves list mixing a little bit of the old with that new hotness.
The Green Ranger Panel – Jason David Frank introduces NYCC to his daughter, Jenna, the next Pink Ranger. He also discusses game and books being released
Black Heroes Matter – Panel featuring Actor/Comedian Phil Lamar as they let discussions on the rise in Black Super Heroes and breaking into the industry on all levels
Cosplay – what would Max@Play coverage be without highlighting the best Cosplay we could find in NYC.

These highlights and more coming soon. Subscribe now to get notified as soon as we have something new. What did you love most about New York Comic Con 2018? Is there anything you missed that you wanted to see? Let us know in the comment section below.
Are you getting ready for your first convention? Check out our convention prep list!