Why’d they do Santa so wrong?

Happy Holidays fellow gamers! We are here celebrating another holiday and enjoying the reason for the season. Today we look at the fan created for working the hardest on Christmas Eve, Santa Clause. Grant it, old Chris Kringle has been working on his naughty and nice list all year long and that takes some real diligence. His year consist of managing his labor force, keeping up his health from bingeing cookies all night and staying up to date on the latest tactics for breaking and entering. Lets consider the idea that he sees you when your sleeping and knows when your awake. That really sounds like a creepy voyeur fetish, but we’re not judging, even if he is. Today’s holiday themed video features 7 times where Santa Clause was mistreated in video games. A few of the games do portray the jolly fat man as a bit more devious than we know from the carols but in some cases you question the treatment he receives. I’m certain there is someone reading this that has considered relieving Old St. Nick of that magic bag full of presents. And what about that fancy sleigh he rides around in? That things has plenty of room for two sub woofers and maybe a tv or two. We’re sure you wondered if Rudolph taste like fresh venison. If we’re being totally honest, Santa may be the root of some serious child hood trauma as he spent many years forgetting presents and kissing kid’s Mamas underneath the mistletoe. Shame on Chris, shame. As you relive your experiences with the peeping tom present presenter enjoy this video brought to us by our friends at Outside Xbox.