Another Sword has fallen

Another Sword has fallen
Swords of Ditto – PC version
As we encountered Mormo for the first time since our first death we greatly under estimated the strength of her forces. The sheer number of high level enemies mixed with the revived fallen swords under her control made this a very tense climb. In hindsight, missing the opportunity to destroy the last anchor, a source of Mormo’s power, most likely proved to be our undoing. It was almost certain we were going to be defeated. Here is a brief list of mistakes we made:

The Grind
Grinding is the act of repeatedly killing enemies, usually much weaker than you, to increase your level. The mistake we didn’t plan for was that once you reach a certain level Puko, your guide, will start a countdown to your fight with Mormo. Once the countdown is over all other enemies will disappear and all paths besides the one heading to Mormo will be blocked. Your first goal should be to collect the Toys and destroy the anchors.

Lack of Supplies
Once you enter Mormo’s Palace you cannot leave. If you thought you were going to grind in there you better have plenty of healing items and a variety of stickers to switch to when the situation calls for it. We found ourselves grossly outgunned and burning through healing supplies.

Visit the toy shop
The toy shop gives you the opportunity to enhance your weapons and add special effects. We went into this battle still having toys that could have been upgraded. We even invested in toys at the last minute and had no idea of their range and ability, which would dictate their usefulness. Don’t make the same mistake. A word from the wise, Fire is your friend.
Do not take the earlier battles for granted. Some of them are remarkably easy and predictable. Once you enter the final stage all bets are off. There are puzzles that require you to stand on a trigger that will drain energy from you to open the next door. While doing so you’ll be summoning powerful fallen swords that attack with deadly skill and accuracy. Entering this final stage is dozy and now that we are on our second play through the World of Ditto has gone through 100 years of evil and has changed dramatically stay tuned for our full walkthrough.
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