7 Times You Screwed Yourself Over with Irrevocable Consequences
See what consequences your actions have
Hey fellow gamers! Of course there are serious consequences for your actions in the real world, that’s why we play video games. Most games give you an easy opportunity to make huge mistakes, correct them or redeem yourself. These seven games do quite the opposite. The examples shown here highlight moments where you totally screwed yourself. Enjoy the video and beware of spoilers
Resident Evil 4 – When you killed the merchant
Skrim – When you got stuck in a death loop
Space Quest 2 – When you didn’t pick up a crucial item
Undertale – When you did the ‘genocide’ run first
Banjo Kazooie – When you got your saves erased
Dark Souls – When you hit the Blacksmith
Resident Evil 0 – When you didn’t tool up for a boss fight
This list is brought to you by our friends at Outside XBox
Tags: List of Awesome Sauce, Gaming, Resident Evil, Undertale, Dark Souls