10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of AUGUST 2019
Gaming world creates some of the weirdest and interesting scenarios
Gamers are a collection of the most interesting individuals in the world. This list features 10 of the weirdest, interesting or simply bizarre things to take place in the Month of August. If you’re wondering how weird it could’ve gotten, imagine playing a racing game where your vehicle is a toilet. Your not in the toilet though, you’re on it. You’ll also be treated to awesomeness that is cosplay and the great lengths and dedication that some cosplayers are committed to. Gameranx is going to throw some curveballs with the scenarios on this list, so have a seat. Enjoy this video and let us know what you think in the comment section below.
If you didn’t have enough interesting gamer news then check out this list of weird things adapted in video games.
Tags: Cosplay, FFX, Weird, Top 10, List of Awesome Sauce, Racing Toilets video game