Fortnite’s Ninja Has It’s Own Skin

Today it was announced that Fortnite is releasing a new skin! No big deal right? This is different this is the first time they’re putting out a skin of a gamer, and who better than Ninja! On Wednesday during one of his Mixer livestreams Tyler “Ninja” Blevins showcased the availability of his own personal skin. This skin collection would include
Ninja Outfit
Ninja’s Edge Back Bling
Ninja Style Emote
Dual Katanas Pickaxe
The character models his recognizable blue hair, yellow headband, katanas and has variation styles.
Bleven tweeted earlier.
“I’ve dreamt of having a skin in Fortnite since I started playing the game. Today, my dream becomes reality.,”
This is apart of the “Icon Series” where individuals who are self described “creators from games, music and entertainment” will have skins of their own.
“The Icon Series brings the artistic vision, personality, and attitude of top creators to Fortnite, building on previous collaborations with Marshmello and Major Lazer.”
The Ninja skin will be avalible to the public in Fortnite’s Item shop on January 16 at 7 p.m. Eastern time.
In addition, game developer, Epic Games introduced the option of “weapon sideguarding“. On top of the traditional upgrade of weapons found at stations players will have the opportunity to the chance for a better weapon in exchange for materials.