Ohayocon 2020 Cosplay Competition
2020 Ohayocon Cosplay Expo held in Main Events
Ohayocon’s cosplay competition is one of the most anticipated events the weekend. Attendees get an opportunity to show off their passion and creativity for the entire convention to see. The main points focused on in the competition craftsmanship, which is how the costume is actually created. Which breaks down to smaller groups such as armor stitching and application. Then there are other areas such as Talent, which is composed of singing, dancing or acting out a skit. Most of the judging for armor, stitching and oversized cosplay happens way before the actual presentation to the rest of the convention. They do this privately so the judges will have an opportunity to properly inspect each costume and discuss with a cosplayer what challenges they may have faced and the reason why they use this material over another, or why they use this type of stitching instead of this art of stitching. At a previous convention, Team Max@Play had an opportunity to speak with Yaya Han, International professional cosplayer. She said her Insight in her years of competitive cosplay and you can learn more about that in her article. Once the judging is complete, cosplayers are offered an opportunity to practice their stage walk and their talents they are going to display for ohayocon. Below you can see the coverage from the performances. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.