Taking down Navota: Destiny 2
Hit her with a rpg
Welcome back fellow gamers! Team Max@Play had an unscheduled gaming session with SuPERHiGHMcFLYY and ended up playing a little Destiny 2. As of May 25, Bungie is trying full crossplay and cross progression which is awesome. For those new to the terminology:
- Crossplay – refers to playing a multiplayer game with friends or competitors from different platforms. I.e. Xbox can crossplay with Steam (PC) or PC can crossplay with Playstation
- Cross Progression – means if you start a game on one platform like Steam you can go to your xbox and use the same game data to continue playing.
In this battle our fire team took on Navota the Hive Wizard. She’s no joke and after a few respawns we took her down. Take a look at the video and let us know what you think.
Tags: Fire Team,Navota,Destiny 2,FPS,SuPERHiGHMcFLY