Free Guy | Honest Trailers
“Don’t have a Good day, Have a Great Day!”
Welcome back movie fans! Team Max@Play had the great opportunity to enjoy the movie “Free Guy” starring Deadpool, correction, Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer and Joe Kerry who we immediately recognized from his role in Stranger Things and the many troll videos featuring his likeness in “Dead by Daylight. The movie trailers released by the studio didn’t do this film justice and we believe it’s SO MUCH BETTER than we anticipated.
We follow the main character, Guy, who is an NPC in a GTA style world that he believes is real. Shenanigans begin when Guy, played by Reynolds, becomes a bit more aware and starts deviating from the programming.
Enjoy this Honest Trailer which better explains the story and will hopefully entice to see this film. Enjoy and thanks for visiting Max@Play. If you need another Honest Trailer check out this for Dying Light!
Tags: Free Guy,Honest Trailers,Ryan Reynolds,NPC,Movie,