GamingList of Awesome Sauce

8 Video Games That Kill You Immediately

How am I dead? I just pressed start!

Welcome back fellow gamers! Todayā€™s adventure isnā€™t a long one. Weā€™re taking a look at a few awesome games that kill you immediately. This video is courtesy of our friends over at FGS: The Future Game Show.

8. Kingsfield 1 – They either drown you by making you think you can swim or have every opening monster stronger than you

7. Silver Surfer (NES) – I hero infused with the Power Cosmic can only survive one hit, why?

6. XCOM: UFO Defense – If failure is an honest teacher than this game is the university.

5. Resonance of Fate – You can actually die in the tutorial in the area

4. The Immortal (NES) – Giant floor worms burst thru the cracks and eat you alive.

3.Ghost Trick Phantom Detective – You actually are killed after starting the game

2. Sheep Dog & Wolf -Youā€™re playing a Looney Tune Wile E. Coyote, enough said.

1. The Witches House MV – Entering the house triggers the walls to crush you.

There you have it! We hope you enjoyed this video and thank you for visiting Max@Play

Tags: Gaming,NES,List of Awesome sauce,FGS,Random