
Anhur and the return to the SMITE arena

The call of the arena could not be ignored any longer. On my quest to immerse myself in a beautiful game my brother invited me to join him and my sister in a few rounds of SMITE. If you’re new to this you should check out my intro into the MOBA here. For those who know, it was a slight re-learning curve getting back into the groove of playing with my team. 

 I played with a variety of characters this day before I settled on my main character for the evening, Anhur.

Anhur, the lion-headed Egyptian God of war, slays his enemies with spear and guile. … With Apep gone, Ra became Pharaoh, Bastet, the Goddess of Cats and Women, and Anhur donned the mantle of the God of War.

Anhur is one of the first God’s in SMITE that I achieved a master level in and once I knocked the Cobb webs off my controller I was able to run rabid thru the arena.

 We played in a arena mode that was new to me. It was a variation of the usual 5v5 but with holes that you can be knocked into causing death as well as the release of a dragon with the completion of the match. It added another element of strategy to the match but playing with a team whose style I’m familiar with made this match easier to handle, even though we still lost. Check out the video with highlights from the match and share your thoughts with us. What are some new additions to SMITE that you enjoy. Let us know in the comment section below. If you need more games to check out see what our Top 5 list can do for you. 

 looking for more SMITE check out this dope SMITE cosplay