Captain Marvel VS Shazam (Marvel VS DC Comics) | DEATH BATTLE!
Its Marvel vs DC and its a fight to the death. Welcome fellow lovers of carnage! We bring to you another Death Battle from our buddies at Screw Attack. This is not the first time that a combatant from each universe met to fight and as long as they exist we are sure this will not be the last. This time around we take two o.p. Champions and throw them at each other. Ms. Marvel vs Shazam. This isn’t the first time these two have met. In their original creation they were involved in a legal battle over the name Marvel and the character design. DC eventually backed down, kept the character design and changed the name to Shazam. This left Marvel with claim to the name. Moving on, enjoy this video to see their full strengths and weaknesses and who would win in a death battle. Once you enjoy this match check any of these other Marvel vs DC Death Battles: