PCXBox Game Pass

Katana Zero

Side-scrolling slice and dice at its best

Katana Zero
Katana Zero

Title: Katana Zero

Genre: Action Adventure

Players: Single

Platform: PC/Xbox Game Pass

Developer: Askiisoft

Publisher: Devolver Digital

Welcome back fellow gamers! Devolver Digital brings another action-packed side-scrolling gem in Katana Zero. This sword-swinging assassin has the ability to manipulate time to execute a variety of ways to kill your target. The video below is the first 15 minutes of gameplay where we are just beginning to learn about our protagonist and the demons in his mind. The gameplay is amazingly fluid with a beautiful soundtrack. Definitely, a game you can jump in and out of but become completely immersed in the storytelling. Be forewarned, some of the transitions get a little trippy. It was necessary to turn down the brightness after a while. Enjoy this clip and let us know what you think in the comment section below

Check out Broforce from Devolver Digital!

Tags: Katana Zero, Devolver Digital, Game Pass, Action-Adventure, Xbox,