News from the editor
Newsletter for Conventions, Esports tournaments and gaming
Welcome Back
Welcome back fellow gamers! Its been an interesting growth period and its time to check in. First of all, Team Max@Play wants to thank all of our subscribers. Your continued support keeps us moving along. This time I want to touch on some upcoming conventions. Team Max@Play is also looking into getting more into ESports. And as always we want to point you in the right direction to stay in the know.
Convention List
May seems to be a busy month for conventions this year. We have Anime Central and Motorcity Comic taking place in the same weekend. Not to far after that we have Colossalcon in Kalahari Resorts in Sandusky. These are all cons attended by the squad in the past and are becoming a mainstay in our tour schedule. Feel free to check out that events you can find Team Max@Play. Did you see us at PAX East 2019?
Esports has become a growing part of our regular intake as of late. Our premier writer, EZ-R, wrote an amazing look into the team 100 Thieves. Team Max@Play is also looking to get our feet wet in the arena, all in due time.
Social Media
If you didn’t know we tend to keep our social media popping. It even features some interesting conversations that we think you should be involved in. Check out Max@Play on Facebook and see what the hype is all about.
Thats a quick catch up to what we have been doing behind the scenes. I like to include something totally random to set of the experience so below enjoy a crazy video of stuff happening, enjoy.